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ARTICLE I NAME This association shall be known as THE ANNANDALE IMPROVEMENT CLUB. ARTICLE II PURPOSE The purpose of this club shall be the improvement of the city by enhancing its property and making such additions as shall be for the benefit of the city in general. Our primary priority shall be support of the library, followed by physical beautification of the city, excluding monetary support of programs, salaries, or donations to non-profit organizations. ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP Section 1 Anyone interested in the purpose of this club may become a member. Section 2 A
member may become an honorary member by majority vote of those attending the
annual meeting. An honorary member
shall not pay dues and/or be assigned to any committee work.
(See Policies for Honorary Member guidelines.) ARTICLE IV OFFICERS Section 1 The officers make up the Executive Board of this club and shall be: president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. Officers will be elected for a one-year term. They may be re-elected, but may not hold office for more than two successive years. Two club members may share an office as co-officers. Section 2 Officers will be elected at the annual meeting. A nominating committee of three will be appointed by the president at the previous meeting. The nominating committee will present a candidate for each office, having previously obtained her consent. The president will ask for additional nominations from the floor; if none are presented the proposed slate will be unanimously elected. If there are more nominations, the candidate with majority vote will be declared elected. Section 3 Newly elected officers shall assume their respective duties at the close of the June meeting. April through June shall be used for transition time and program development. Section 4 Vacancies in office shall be filled by election at the next meeting. ARTICLE V MEETINGS Section 1 The annual meeting of this club shall be held on the first Thursday of April. Section 2 The regular meeting of this club shall be held on the first Thursday of the month. Exceptions can be addressed by the Executive Board. [Meetings held all year approved by membership 10/6/05.] Section 3 A special meeting may be called by the president, notice having been given to all members. ARTICLE VI COMMITTEES Section 1 The Standing Committees shall be: Membership, Beautification, and Fundraising. All members to be appointed by the president. Section 2 A Standing Committee Chair shall present project plans to the Executive Board for inclusion in the annual budget (see Article VII). Once a project is included in the budget and approved, the chair can expect support from all members, and will submit a summary and a financial statement to the treasurer. Section 3 After a motion has been approved by a vote of the members for raising and/or spending money not included in the annual budget, a Special Committee will be appointed by the president for that specific purpose. Section 4 The president-elect shall appoint a Program Committee headed by the Vice President, to submit a list of programs for the upcoming year. To be completed for approval at the June meeting. Section 5 The president shall appoint a library liaison to report monthly on library and Friends of the Library activities. ARTICLE VII FINANCES Section 1 An annual budget shall be prepared by the Executive Board after the April election, for presentation and approval at the June meeting. Standing committee chairs will be contacted for submissions for the budget. Section 2 Annual dues are collected. It is the duty of each member to submit dues to the treasurer at the September meeting. Section 3 A member found in arrears the second year will be notified by the treasurer and, if no response is received, will be removed from the membership roll. Section 4 The president will appoint two members to audit the books of the treasurer following the annual meeting and give a report at the June meeting Section 5 Emergency funds of $500 shall be kept in reserve by the treasurer. ARTICLE VIII QUORUM At any meeting, one third of the total membership will constitute a quorum. ARTICLE IX PARLIAMENTARY
AUTHORITY The rules contained in the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised (10th Edition) shall govern the Club. ARTICLE X POLICIES Section 1
Club policies shall be reviewed annually. Section 2
Policies may be changed at any time by majority vote of those present. ARTICLE XI AMENDMENTS TO
BYLAWS Section 1
The whole of this Bylaws, or any portion thereof, may be amended by
two-thirds vote of the members present, due notice of intended change having
been given at the two previous regular meetings. Section 2
The Bylaws shall be reviewed annually by a committee appointed by the
president after the annual meeting.
Policies Hostess Committee
and Responsibilities A hostess committee is assigned for each meeting. Each committee has two chairwomen, and the committee members. Their responsibilities are as follows: Publish a notice of the meeting in the local newspaper Reconfirm program with speaker at least one month in advance of the program and again a few days prior to the program Coordinate the menu Assist with all necessary set up and clean up Contact/call membership to record name and response (Yes/No) Confirm reservation numbers with caterer Committee chair submits confirmed attendance list to treasurer prior to the meeting Collect funds for luncheon at the meeting Introduce the speaker at the meeting Send thank you note to speaker When appropriate and necessary, funds are available for
speaker fees, activities and decorations. Membership responsibilities include: Pay $25.00 dues at the September meeting Pay lunch cost for reservation if absent Inform committee chair(s) of your lunch attendance if you have not been called All members are responsible for the cost
of their own lunch. Honorary Membership Guidelines for consideration for Honorary Membership in the Annandale Improvement Club:
History of 4/5/2007 Bylaws revision: Constitution and Bylaws were combined into one Bylaws document Bylaws Committee. Copies of changes were distributed at Feb. & March 2007 meetings for review. Discussion & vote on Bylaws was taken at the Annual Meeting 4/5/2007.
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