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Improvement Club [Constitution]


(updated 2002) 


This association shall be known as THE ANNANDALE IMPROVEMENT CLUB


The object of this club shall be the improvement of the city by improving its property and making such additions as shall be for the benefit of the city in general.


Section 1 The officers of this club shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Officers will be elected for a one-year term. They may be re-elected, but may not hold office for more than two successive years.

Section 2 Officers will be elected at each annual meeting, a nominating committee of three having been appointed by the President at the previous meeting. The nominating committee will present a candidate for each office, having previously obtained her consent. The President will ask for additional nominations for the floor; if none are presented the slate of the nominating committee will be unanimously elected. If there are more nominations, the candidate received the most votes will be declared elected.

Section 3 Newly elected officers shall assume their respective duties at the close of the June meeting. April through June shall be used for transition time and program development.

Section 4 Vacancies in office shall be filled by election at the next meeting.



Section 1 It will be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings, appoint committees, call special meetings; and perform all other duties usually assigned to that office.

Section 2 The Vice-President will assist the President in such ways as may be required; in the absence of the President she will assume her place and authority. The Vice-President will be chairman of the program committee; she will arrange the programs and have the members roll and the program printed and distributed to all club members.

Section 3 The secretary will keep a record of all meetings, conduct necessary correspondence, notify members who are in arrears. At the Annual Meeting the Secretary will read a summary of the year’s activities. This report will be included in the Secretary’s book

Section 4 The Treasurer will receive all money, and all expenditures approved by the Club will be paid by her. She will keep an accurate record of money received and paid out.

Section 5 The Executive Board, consisting of the President, Vice-President Secretary, and Treasurer will meet prior to each monthly meeting to make any recommendation, and other business.




Section 1 The President will appoint a Finance Committee of two members, to audit the books of the Treasurer before each Annual Meeting, and give a report.

Section 2 After motion, discussion and vote of the members, committees of raising and spending money will be appointed by the President for that specific purpose. All money raised shall be turned over to the Treasurer, and paid out by vote of the Club.

Section 3 The President-elect shall appoint a Program Committee to submit the new program for approval at the June meeting.

Section 4 It shall be the duty of the chairman or each meeting to publish notice of that meeting in the local paper.

Section 5 Special Projects Chairman (Tours, Fund Raisers, Building Improvements, etc.) shall present plans for membership approval. One approved, the chairman can expect support from all members. She also will submit a summary and financial statement to the Treasurer


Section 1 The annual meeting of this club shall be held on the first Thursday of the month. The Constitution and By-Laws shall be read at the Annual meeting each year.

Section 2 The regular meeting of this club will be held on the first Thursday of each month, except for July and August.

Section 3 A Special meeting may be called by the President, notice having been given to all members.

Section 4 At any meeting, one-third of the total membership will constitute a quorum.


Section 1 Anyone interested in the object of this club may become a member.

Section 2 Annual dues are collected. It is the duty of each member to submit dues and program fees to the treasurer at the September meeting.

Section 3 A member found in arrears the second year will be notified by the secretary and, if no response is received, will be removed from the Roll.

Section 4 A member may become an honorary member by majority vote of those attending the Annual Meeting. An honorary member shall pay no dues and or be assigned to any committee work.

Section 5 The whole of this Constitution, or any portion thereof, may be amended by two-thirds vote of the members present, due notice of intended change having been given at the two previous regular meetings.

Annandale Improvement Club Policies
(Updated May 2002)

Club Priority & Focus

The Annandale Improvement Club should consider their primary priority to be support of the library, followed by physical beautification of the city, not to include support of programs, salaries, or donations to non-profit organizations.

A hostess committee is assigned to each meeting. Each committee has two chairwomen, and the hostess committee. Their responsibilities are as follows:

  • It shall be the duty of the chairwoman to publish notice of the meeting in the local paper.
  • Re-confirm pre-arranged program with speaker at least 14 days in advance of the program.
  • Plan all necessary publicity.
  • Introduce the speaker at the meeting.
  • Coordinate the menu.
  • Assist with all necessary setup & clean up.
  • Call membership and confirm reservations numbers with caterer.
  • Collect funds for luncheon at the meeting.
  • Send thank you note to speaker.

When appropriate and necessary funds are available for speaker fees, activities and decorations, the committee's expenses shall not exceed an amount that would equal $10.00 per committee member.

Membership responsibilities include:

  • Payment of $5.00 for yearly dues.
  • Payment of $10.00 for hostess fee.
  • Dues and hostess fees are due and payable at September meeting.
  • It is the member's responsibility to inform the committee if they plan to attend the meeting if the committee was unable to contact them.
  • It is the member's responsibility to submit all luncheon costs in a timely manner if they indicated they would attend a meeting and then did not attend at the last minute.

Special projects Committee: (Community Service, fund raising, city beautification, etc.)

All projects need to be presented and approved by the membership. A presentation should include a detailed plan with estimated expenses and proceeds. If expenses incurred will exceed the proposed budget, expenditures must be approved b the membership. Once approved the chairwoman can expect support from all members. Upon completion of the project, a detailed report shall be presented to the President and a financial statement to the treasurer.



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