1922 School Building
ReUse Project

Let's Find a New Purpose for our Old School
...Once It's Gone, It's Gone...

Slide Show

To explain their ReUse Report, ReUse Experts John Lauber and Bob Claybaugh spoke from the slide presentation below at the October 29th Public Meeting

The Team

       Local Sponsors

       Preservation Planner

       Historical Architect

       Structural Engineer

       Mechanical Engineer

       Cost Estimator

       Financial Analyst

The Process

       Assess rehab potential

       Talk to stakeholders

       Identify obstacles and opportunities

       Evaluate alternatives

       Prepare schematic designs

       Assign costs

       Work the numbers

Disposition Alternatives

       Continued School Use


       Do Nothing

       Interim Use

       Phased Rehabilitation

       Full Rehabilitation


       Find a productive reuse of the building

       Serve a community purpose

       Reduce burden on School District

       Find a compatible use

       Anticipate future of site

       Maximize use of incentives

       Minimize cost to taxpayers

Use Alternatives

       Community Center

       Technology Center

       Affordable Housing

       Upscale Condominiums


       Interim Use—Core of a Community Center

       Community Center/Affordable Housing

       Community Center/Upscale Condominiums

Interim Use Floor Plan: (Click Here for pdf view)


Community Center Floor Plan: (Click Here for pdf view)

ANA-Basement New-081213[1].jpg

Dwelling Units-Level 1 - Floor Plan: (Click Here for pdf view)

ANA-1st Floor Apt-081213.jpg

Dwelling Units-Level 2 - Floor Plan: (Click Here for pdf view)

ANA-2nd Floor Apt-081213.jpg

Site Plan: (Click Here for pdf view)

ANA-New Site Plan-100813.jpg 


       Interim Use:       $12,000-$30,000

(Prep only—does not include operating costs)

       Partial-Community Ctr:  $4,573,000-$6,338,000

(Reduces amount of incentives available)

       Full-Community Ctr/Affordable:  $6,000,000 

       Full-Community Ctr/Condos:  $7,960,000

       Site Work:  $665,000-$861,000

(Included in overall costs, includes garages)

Financial and Ownership

Key Themes for Funding:




Project Finance Tools

       Federal and State Tax Credits

       TIF/Tax Abatement


       Private Lending



COST:                    $7,000,001

LI Tax Credit       $ 2,565,000

Fed Tax Credit   $1,260,000

State Tax Credit                $1,260,000

TIF Finance         $   269,825

Private Donation              $   500,000

Private Lending $   600,000

GAP:                      $   544,893

Both assume dollar sale
School District Funds not Included


COST:                    $7,000,001

Fed Tax Credit   $1,260,000

State Tax Credit                $1,260,000

TIF Finance         $   269,825

Sale of Units       $1,317,450

Private Donation              $   500,000

Private Lending $1,030,000

GAP:                      $1,362,726



Examples (details)

       Orono Discovery Center

       Central Square-Glenwood

       Chatfield Center for the Arts

       Glencoe Civic Center

       Detroit Lakes Community Center

       Central Park Bluff View Suites– Red Wing

Next Steps

       Establish an organization

       Buy time

       Implement measures for interim use

       Develop programs

       Articulate a case statement

       Seek partners

       Raise funds