1922 School Building
ReUse Project

Let's Find a New Purpose for our Old School
...Once It's Gone, It's Gone...


On December 19, 2013, the School Board was expected to revisit their 2012 decision to demolish the 1922 building in 2014. They were also expected to address the Proposal submitted by the 1922 Building ReUse Project Steering Committee to use the building for a year as a Community Center which included paying for all maintenance costs for the building.
   In light of the recent interest by some investors to convert the building into a data center while also including the Community Center, the School Board voted to table their decision for 90 days. In that period the data center investors and the Committee will work together to create a viable plan for the building.

Below are links to recent articles in the Annandale Advocate about the 1922 ReUse Project:

December 30, 2013: editorial: "Hope for the '22 building"

December 23, 2013: "Decision on '22 Tabled for 90 Days"

December 17, 2013: "Buyer Found? 1922 Building Could Become Data Center"

December 4, 2013: "ReUse Team Offers Proposal"