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Improvement Club 
2010 Annual Report


2010 Annual Report

Annandale Improvement Club
April 2009 to May 2010

Elected Officers:  Co-presidents Sally Smith and Jill Bishop, Vice-president Gloria Warner, Co-treasurers Roxann McNellis and Tara Partridge, Secretary Barbara Brauer.

Activities Overview: 
The Club had a booth at the Annandale Business Expo.  The Annandale Improvement Club continued associations with the Annandale Chamber of Commerce and the Annandale Friends of the Library.  Along with planting beautiful flower arrangements in hanging baskets and stationary ring, the club finished the beautiful Jean Pelto Memorial Garden.   Beautification continued in the fall with corn stalks arrangements and in the winter with greenery arrangements.  Social events included a fun picnic at Sandy Ottos and an elegant Christmas High Tea at the Westman/Hankerson home.

Donations were made to:
Anna Maries Alliance, Camp Eastview, ACT Trails, Free Store, Greg Mortenson Foundation, Share Your Christmas, Youth First, Sunset Ridge and Teddy Bears for Heart of Hope Camp and Retreat.  Two chairs were purchased for the Annandale Library.

Programs and Speakers:
Barb Brauer spoke on Women of the Middle East,  Sue Envey and Deanna Pick shared how their business Pick-E-Bay evolved, Jill Bishop and Rose Mary Nelson reported on the History of the Annandale Improvement Club, Don and Mary gave a presentation on the Millner Heritage Winery, Jerene Mortenson (Mother of Greg Mortenson) reported on his book Thee Cups of Tea, Mic Golden of the GRRL Library gave a talk on books, Laura Hood Beckman told about Monthly Dinner Clubs, Jeff and Rebecca Harkman told about their business of Edible Arrangements, and Barb Isle described her experiences Living in Different Parts of the World.

New members are Terry Jenson, Stacey Tomberlin, Pam Petersen, Delores Roeder, Barb Ilse, Gail Tjosvold, Toni Boie, Nancy Smith, Ardis Nelson, and Karen Pietrowski. New Honorary Member is Donna Kuiper.  There was the sad loss of Idell Knudsvig.

Submitted by: 
Barbara Brauer, Secretary




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