> Civic Groups > Improvement
Club > History > 1984 Annual Report
Improvement Club
1984 Annual Report
The slate of officers elected and serving for the past year are as
Members and
guests have enjoyed a number of interesting and informative programs during the
year such as:
Landscape Design by Dundee Nursery
Evening for wives and husbands featuring a talk on the Pearl Harbor
A tour of the Womens World Building at Annandales Pioneer Park
A style show sponsored by Peck and Peck with several of our members
A slide presentation of birds by the Audubon Society.
Craft creations by Annandales Pam
Shirley Good sharing her experiences as a foster mother
Experiences as a ham radio operator by Ginas husband, Bill Higgins
At the last
June meeting, members present voted to serve dessert only, rather than a
luncheon. This has been quite a
controversial change.
A letter was
directed to our city council
expressing the clubs concern regarding the proposed Lakedale tower.
Two ceiling
fans were installed in the library. The
city purchased one and the club bore the expense for the other.
A trip was
made to the Minnesota Zoo in October.
November, our club was represented at the Community Connection Fair.
The club
again assisted with the Pre-School hearing screening.
making projects for the year were the Silent Auction and Luncheon in
May---profit $618.87, the Christmas wreath sale--profit $1153.65.
There is still activity on the cookbooks.
The club
realized the need for and undertook the project of buying audio video equipment
for the library. Project finalized.
We gained
one new member, Elda Burton, and lost two by resignation, June Johnson and Donna
Copeland. We have 52 members.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Haskin, Secretary