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Improvement Club 
1937 Annual Report


             The past year in the Improvement Club is to be considered successful in several ways.  Early in the year a committee studied the Constitution and by-laws and recommended several changes, which the club adopted, bringing these up to date.

            The club sponsored a garden contest the past year but gardens as a rule didnt do well, due to the drought.  The club bought a copy of Roberts Rules of Order for their own use, which has since been put into circulation.

            One section of the club served a commercial club supper and netted about $30.

            Routine matters taken up by the club the past year include aiding the 4-H club and the Red Cross Flood Relief financially, providing Christmas baskets for the local poor, and issuing free library cards to the general public for the month of December.  We also purchased new curtains for the rest-room, new books and magazines, and the usual load of coal.  We also tried a new venture-saving Rap-in wax coupons.

            A vote was taken on the current Supreme Court question and letters sent to our Congressman.

            We have had some very interesting programs this year.  Mrs. Tom Welch of Buffalo gave a talk on period furniture at one meeting, and Mrs. Norris told of her visit to the Huntington s Galleries.  At another books and current reading were discussed by Mrs. McDonald, and at one meeting antiques and curios were displayed by members of the club, and short talks given concerning them.  At the October meeting, which was an open meeting, Mrs. Turner, of the St. Cloud League of Women Voters, gave a very interesting talk and led a discussion following it.  Mr. Ailon, the county agent, addressed one meeting on 4-H club work, and Mr. Anderson, the judge of probate, spoke on the duties of his office at another meeting.  The February meeting, an open one, was unusually interesting, consisting of a talk on his native China , by Mr. Kong.  And book reviews were given by Mrs. Severson and Mrs. McDonald at our last meeting.

            The past year opened with $86.34 in the treasury, and the last balance brought forward was_________.

            All in all quite a successful year.

            In the past year the club has taken in $18.95 for the 10cent lunch served at each meeting, and the library has netted $14.65 including all magazines and the state rental books, $35.52 has been spent on books. 

Jeanne Hill, Secretary




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