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Annandale Area Public Library - Friends of the Library 
Meeting Minutes - November 13, 2007

Bonnie Gutzwiller called the meeting to order at 6:40 PM with 13 members present.  The minutes from the August meeting were read and approved.  Treasurers report:  Balance to date is $5139.03.  Report filed, subject to audit. 


Childrens Programming--Dawn

-Mary Iverson will do the holiday special event on Wednesday, December 12th at 6:30.  Mary will dress as Santas Helper and read holiday related books--as well as give candy canes to all!  Sandy also has a free book for each child as a special gift.  (Hopefully, Santa will show up as a  surprise for the children!)    This will be advertised at the school and in the Advocate.  This Saturday is story time at the library.  Dawn will be reading from the David Shannon books.

Library Board--Cindy

-New members:  Idell Knudsvig and Bonnie Gutzwiller.  Karen Spiegeler was re-appointed by the City.  Next meeting is December 4th.  Next year they will begin to meet just 4 times a year.

Art Committee--Dawn

-No report

Publicity Committee--Ron/Cindy

-Excellent coverage this fall.  No new ads now until Spring.

Librarians Report--Sandy

-The plaque in the vestibule was screwed into the water pipe!   It is now fixed.  Also, the heater in that area is not working--way too hot, so it is now shut off.

-October door count was 600 that week.

-New lamps have been purchased by the Friends.  They are very attractive and have been well received by all!  MSP Cindy/Ed to authorize another $150 to buy another table lamp.  MSP Cindy/Ed to authorize the over-expenditure on the previous lamps.

-The planter by the big window needs updating.  MSP Ron/Ed to authorize $100 for a new planter and saucer.  Marian will shop and re-plant.


Recap of Stan Tekiela event--Cindy

-Very well received--47 attended.  Would like to invite him back to do his loon program, perhaps in May or June, depending on his availability.  MSP Julie/Jean to authorize up to $350 for this event.

MLA Conference in Mankato--Cindy/Bonnie

-Ideas for fundraisers included an Antique Road Show-type event with volunteer appraisers.  Folks would pay to have their items evaluated, with the understanding that these were volunteers--but well informed volunteers.   Also, a spelling bee--consisting of various teams.   The author/illustrator for the 2008 Summer Reading Program  was in attendance.  MSP Ron/Jean to authorize $13 for her new book

501c3 Status

-We have been approved for this status--non profit, public charity--we can apply for grants, etc.

-Need to update the donation form for the library.  A committee of Julie, Cindy and Bonnie was formed to look into the donation form and also clarifying/understanding  the 501c3 status.  They will meet in the Spring.


Election of Officers

-MSP Cindy/Mary to approve the same roster as last year.  President, Bonnie Gutzwiller, Vice-President, Ed Groop, Secretary, Sharon Peterson, Treasurer, Jean Peterson.

Proposed 2008 Budget

-Basically the same as last year.  MSP Ron/Mary to approve the budget as is.

Business Expo

-April 12th, 2008--we will have a meeting before this to discuss our plans.

Author Dinner--May 9th --Faith Sullivan

-Marian and Diane will decorate--10 table limit, unless otherwise informed.   We will have door prizes as before--and the dcor is totally up to the committee. 

Book Sale

-Since the 4th is on Friday next year, discussion as to when the Book Sale should be held.  We want to take advantage of folks being in town for the holiday festivities--so want the sale the same day as the Kiddie Parade, etc.  Will check with Bryan Bruns (event chair) to determine if the sale should be June 28th or July 5th.

Next Meeting

-Our next meeting will be Tuesday, April 8th, 7PM at the Library.  We will meet again on May 20th to organize the Book Sale, and then July 10th is the picnic with the Improvement Club at Sandys. MSP Mary/Ed meeting adjourned at 8:12 PM 

Respectfully submitted
Sharon Peterson, Secretary