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Annandale Area Public Library - Friends of the Library 
Meeting Notes - October 12, 2004

Annandale Area Friends of the Library
October 12, 2004 Meeting Minutes

There were 10 members present.

  1. Cindy Ahrens clarified an item from the previous meeting: no Friends funds have ever been expended for treats at the meetings except for the very first organizational meeting when grant funds were used.
  2. Librarian Sandy Otto reported on library activities and some additional NEEDS for the WISH list: flat screen monitor for stand up work station; printer for low counter monitor (B&W), an additional "free magazine" cart, and a second online catalog public station.
  3. Library volunteers are needed; if you can make a regular commitmentweekly, monthly, or find a day open to volunteerbe sure to call Sandy Otto at the library to get scheduled. Volunteers are needed daily for calling, and other duties can be assigned based on schedule.
  4. Membership Drive 2005: Have started the new year with some memberships from Improvement Club; others attending meeting renewed memberships. Suggestions for getting the word out to the community: current Friends to promote among friends & neighbors; ask Advocate to be added to list of organizations in newspaper; send out e-mail to current members; Annandale onlinecheck to see if membership form is available online; library bulletin board; poster on easel with packet of forms in the library.
  5. Friends Author Event 2005: Cindy reported on a suggestion she picked up at MN Library Assoc. conference recently: Minnesota Crime Wave four MN mystery authors that come in costume and offer a variety of events: readings from works, signings, panel discussion, symposiums. Material from Crime Wave web sight was passed around, and agreement was to try to book them (based on fee). Look at a Friday night in April at Reichels; may be able to work a collaboration with Thayer Hotel and mystery theater.
    To contact Reichels for open dates and costs: Muriel Rudolph
    To contact Thayer: Barb Lundberg
    To contact MN Crime Wave: Cindy Ahrens
    Committee to work on this event: Julie Sedey, Muriel Rudolph, Cindy Ahrens.
    Tickets will be sold on a pre-sale basis only (for an accurate count of attendance), no tickets sold at the door.
  6. Friends Scrapbook: a volunteer is needed to work on preparing a scrapbook materials have been assembled, but need to be put into a scrapbook to document the history of the Friends.
    Cindy will send out an e-mail call for volunteers to work on this project.
  7. Fundraising:
    Holiday Craft Sale: Deanna Larson stated that she is willing to set up an Usborne Book Fair booth with the Friends sponsorship. Friends would receive cash from her sales (rather than free books). Deanna will contact Karen for a booth sponsored by the Friends of the Library; she will notify Cindy if there is a need for volunteers to help with the booth.

    It was decided that in 2005 two fundraising events would be held: author event in April; book sale in conjunction with Fourth of July celebration, Friday afternoon and Saturday morning, in community room.
    Will ask Sandy Otto to book the community room for the book sale during the city-wide celebration.
  8. Great River Regional Advocacy Training:
    Cindy asked if any others were interested in participating (currently have Sandy Otto, Julie Sedey, and Cindy). Ed Groop indicated he was available and interested so he will be added to the list.

    The Friends are responsible for light refreshments for the training; the Library Board has authorized up to $100 for refreshments; Cindy & Julie will handle this project.
  9. Reorganization of the Friends: Cindy presented the background on the reason for the separation of Friends from the Library Board and City; target date is Jan. 2005 for as much as possible; need to elect officers, establish bylaws, open bank account.
    Muriel Rudolph had checked with Annandale State Bank and reported that Jan Brown will assist the Friends in filing for tax ID # to begin the process; once have the number, then can open an account.
    Cindy will prepare a report to the Library Board for Oct. 21 meeting.
    Cindy asked for volunteers to work on a subcommittee to work on this process: Deanna Larson, Janice Carlson (after Christmas), Cindy.
    Cindy will send an e-mail asking for any other volunteers [this will be easier with a subcommittee of about 5].
  10. Next meeting date: November 9, 7:00 p.m. at the Library.
    Selected the 2nd Tuesday of the month when meetings are scheduled.
    No meeting in December; but will meet Jan. 11, 2005.

Respectfully submitted,
Cindy Ahrens