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Library Board Minutes
May 7, 2009

Members Present: Cindy Ahrens, Joelle Arlt, Bonnie Gutzwiller, Idell Knudsvig, Julie Olson, Julie Sedey, Karen Spiegeler, Mark Casey (City), Sandy Otto, Carla Asfeld (Librarian), Mic Golden (GRRL).  Members absent: Dawn Shaefer Stumpf  

Review of the Agenda:  There were no additions. Cindy welcomed Carla Asfeld, new librarian and Mic Golden, GRRL. 

Secretarys Report: Motion MSP (Julie O. /Joelle) to approve the minutes. 

Financial Report:  Mark reported the balance remains at $1314.91. 

Programming Report: (Email in Secretarys book.)  Dawns last program will be Saturday, May 16.  She will be presented with a gift card and thank you note from the FOL and Library Board.  GRRL is licensed to show movies but we cant advertise the movie in our ads. 

Art Committee:  no report 

Librarians Report: (Full report in Secretarys book).  18 volunteers donated 150 hours.  25 attended 2 story times.  She mentioned books she read or listened to in March & April.  She said it has been an honor to be our library.  Carla has been working on programs at both Annandale & Kimball libraries. An assistant should be hired by June. 

GRRL Report:  There will be 2 staff people at the Annandale library on Mondays. 

Friends of the Library Report:  Bonnie reported that people had a fun time at Sandys retirement open house.  The May 8 author event is sold out200 tickets have been sold.  Sorting for the Friday, July 3 book sale will be on Tuesdays in June.  FOL will have tax slips, if requested, for those who donate books. 

Publicity Committee:  Ron Remington will send out notices of a committee meeting.  Carla said she would send information to GRRL.  They will send publicity for the library to newspapers to put in their community events.  

Unfinished Business:  Motion MSP (Julie O. /Karen) to eliminate the Nov. 5, 2009 meeting. 

New Business:  Karen and Julie O. will go over the Bylaws.

Cindy and Julie S. will find a candidate from the city limits for Julie Sedeys term, which ends December 31, 2009.

The next meeting will be Sept. 3, 2009 at 4 pm.

MSP (Karen/Idell) to adjourn. 

Respectfully Submitted,  
Julie Sedey, Secretary