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Library Board Minutes
September 6, 2007

Members Present: Ron Remington, Julie Olson, Joelle Artl, Karen Spiegeler, Julie Sedey,

Mark Casey (City)  Members absent: Cindy Ahrens, Denise Safranek, Dawn Schaefer Stumpf (Programming), Sandy Otto (Librarian), Joan Allen (GRRL

Review of the Agenda:  Remove Technology from the agenda.  MSP (Julie O., Karen) to approve amended agenda. 

Secretarys Report:  MSP (Joelle, Julie O.) to approve the minutes.

Financial Report no activity.  Balance at $1553.91.  Storage space was requested  from the city for historical material for the Improvement Club and Friends of the Library.  Mark will check on the cost for additional shelving.

Librarians Report: In August 40 children/adults attended 2 story times, 7 people volunteered 40 hours, Sandy proctored one exam, 124 people used the Internet on the non-GRRL computer donated by the Improvement Club, 101 students started the summer reading program with 31 finishing, 11 teenagers signed up for the reading program and 5 have returned coupons and 150 people with laptops have used WiFi since it was installed.

GRRL Report:  No report

Programming Report: The summer Tuesday morning programs were well attended.  It was decided to not have Saturday morning programs in the summer due to low attendance.  During the school year, there will be programs on the third Saturday on the month.  GRRL provides 2 programs.  Early Childhood and Family Ed. provides pre-school programs throughout the year.  Mary Iverson will be Mrs. Santa Claus.

FOL Report: Ron reported that $926.81 was taken in at the book sale.  FOL balance is $5502.91  Stan Tekiela will speak at a free event on Oct. 10 in the seniors room.  He will speak on uncommon facts about common birds.  Faith Sullivan, author of the Cape Ann series, will speak at the author event on May 9, 2008.  Bonnie Gutzwiller, Ed Groop, Jean Peterson, and Sharon Peterson will stay as officers of FOL.  The next meeting will be Nov. 13bring treats.   

Art Committee Dawn, Ron, and Julie O.

The hanger needs to be adjusted before Julia Barkleys painting can be hung in the childrens area.  Art displays from our schools have been arranged for display in the library.

Publicity Committee - Cindy, Karen, Ron, and Bonnie Gutzwiller

The committee will meet next week.  An ad will be put in local newspapers with information on Stan Tekielas presentation.

Old Business:

MSP (Karen, Julie O.) to spend up to $50 for any board member to attend the MLA Conference in Mankato on Oct. 25, 2007.

New Business:

It was suggested to ask Kristy Smith to clarify our purpose as a Library Board and where is GRRL on developing new  policies for new  libraries. 

The next meeting will be Oct. 4, 2007 at 4:00 p.m. 

MSP (Julie O., Joelle) to adjourn.  

Respectfully Submitted
Julie Sedey, Secretary