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Library Board Minutes
September 7, 2006

Annandale Area Library Board Minutes
Meeting Minutes
September 7, 2006

Members Present: Ron Remington, Jill Bishop, Julie Sedey, Karen Spiegeler, Denise Safranek, Cindy Ahrens, Sandy Otto, Librarian, Joan Allen (GRRL), Mark Casey (City), Dawn Schaefer Stumpf (Programming).  Members absent: Joelle Arlt

Review of the Agenda:  Nominating Committee was added.  MSP (Denise, Cindy) to approve agenda.

Secretarys Report:  2 corrections were made.  MSP (Cindy, Jill) to accept the corrected minutes.

Financial Report:  Mark reported that the balance is $2276.62 ($25 donation, $124 for neon sign, $149.48 for ad in the Advocate).  MSP (Karen, Denise) to accept the financial report.

Librarians Report: Sandy reported that 144 people attended the 3 story times in August and 7 people volunteered 76 hours.  83 people have used the non-connected computer and 90 have used the other 2 computers.  Most people who bring in laptops are using WIFI and are thrilled to have this available.  Checkouts since Jan. are 35,675 items and check-ins are 32,395.  Last years circulation was over 52,000 items.  1,960 out of 2,905 in-library requests have been resolved.  Self-holds are working out very well.    

Technology Report:  Jill reported that all of our by-laws are now online.

GRRL Report:  Joan reported that after the summer they get an overflow of materials.  She is hoping that video rentals will be 3 weeks.  GRRL is the only library system that has grace periods.  That will end on Sept. 1st but we can then renew an item 2 times.  Fines per day are 10 cents for books and $1 for DVD/videos.  Books cant be checked out if one has a $6 fine.

FOL Report: Cindy reported that the summer programs were quite the success thanks to Dawn.  The MLA conference is being held in St. Cloud .  The Friends/Trustees day is Sept. 28.  The cost for the day is $50, which includes lunch.  She reminded us that Sandy s anniversary celebration is October 28 and hopes all will be able to attend.  The next FOL meeting is Sept. 12.  $70 will be spent to incorporate the group.  

Old Business:

Art Committee - Jill, Dawn, Ed, and Ron

The committee will be meeting Oct. 12 at 4:05.

Publicity Committee - Cindy, Karen, Ron, Bonnie, and Ed

The committee will meet in September.  There will be an ad in the Advocate in October.  They are still hoping to get some color in their ad.  The Library Board shares expenses for the ad with the FOL.

Community Survey Committee Denise, Cindy and Julie

(Complete report/handouts in the secretarys book)  The surveys were available at the library for 2 monthsfrom mid-June to mid-August.  The committee met in August to analyze the survey.  33 surveys were returned.  Sandy said that the responses were what she expected.  The committee suggested using the Community Ed. Brochure to remind people of the summer programs.  Heidi Haucks from GRRL is available to help with training on adult group discussion.  Sandy mentioned that the library is not a very quiet place to hold adult book discussion groups.  GRRL also has supplies and people available to help with teen book clubs.  Transportation was mentioned as a problem for organizing a teen book club.   Karen suggested that we put some of the survey results in the Advocate ad and also start a Long Term Goals committee.

Programming - Dawn

Dawn reported that next years summer program would be the same days as this year2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 10:00 and the 3rd Saturday at 10:00).  She is hoping to have some Saturday programs during the school year but Jill Healy will not be available to help. It was suggested that if the summer groups get too large for the library, they could book the Community room.  Dawn thanked the FOL for all their monetary and volunteer help.  

Library signage Ron, Jill, Mark

Mark reported that we wouldnt be able to have a monument sign near the kiosk because it blocks the vision of people turning from Harrison .  It might be possible to have a sign on top of the kiosk (with the Lions permission) or a metal sign in the flowerbed pointing toward the library.

Open House Committee Cindy, Ron, Julie and Sally Smith

MSP (Cindy, Jill) to contribute $150 for Sandy s Anniversary Celebration.

The Library Board will be co-sponsors of this event with FOL and Improvement Club.  As treasurer of Improvement Club, Julie will handle the contributions.  Joelle emailed her report (complete report in secretarys book).  We need to check with her on what format she will be using for the interview with Sandy (video or DVD).

Scrapbook Jill, Joelle

Jill reported that they would be meeting October 24.  History of the library will start with the new library. 

Tim Engrav presentation - Ron 

Ron reported that 10 people attended the event.  It was a good program and is a great book.

New Business

Cindy suggested that we give Dawn a gift certificate for the exceptional job she does in the summer.  MSP (Cindy, Denise) to contribute $30 towards a gift certificate with FOL for Dawn.

Nominating Committee:

Joelle and Julie had volunteered in January to be on this committee.  Denise agreed also.  Jill indicated that she would not run again. 

Next meeting will be Oct. 5 at 4:00. MSP (Cindy, Julie) to adjourn.  

Respectfully Submitted,
Julie Sedey, Secretary