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Library Board Minutes
November 17, 2005

Annandale Area Library Board
Meeting Minutes
November 17, 2005  

*Members Present:  Elizabeth Cabalka, Denise Safranek, Karen Spiegeler, Ron Remington, Sally Smith, Jill Bishop, Julie Sedey, Cindy Ahrens (FOL), Joan Allen (GRRL), Mark Casey (City)

*Review of Agenda:  Motion MSP (Elizabeth, Denise) to approve agenda.

*Secretarys Report:  Motion MSP (Julie, Jill) to approve report.

*Financial Report:  Mark reports there are no changes in balance -- $2560.10.  Motion MSP (Elizabeth, Karen) to approve report.

Mark also reported that the leak has been taken care of by repairing the flashing.

Jill reported that MNDOT signage needs to be purchased by us and then she will check on location regulations and specs.

*Technology Report:  Jill reported that Y5 can be installed by Lakedale for $263 and the monthly charge would be $38. Could or would the city pay the monthly charge, do we need a filter, could the library have a laptop for checkout??  Elizabeth will make a request at City Council in December.  A motion MSP (Jill, Elizabeth ) if the city agrees to pay for the monthly DSL, then the Library Board allocates up to $300 for the installation.

*Librarians Report:  Cindy will give the librarians report in the future.

*GRRL Report:  Joan reports that Sandy will have been the Annandale librarian for 30 years on October 5, 2006 .  Bescyes last day is December 18th and applications are being reviewed.

*FOL:  Cindy reviewed the last meeting of the Friends, gave an update on 501c3 application, advised us on progress of Author Dinner (May 5th), and suggested a Friends workshop for idea exchange. (Entire report available in Secretarys notebook).

*Old Business:

       Nominating CommitteeNew Board nominations are Cindy Ahrens and Joelle Arlt.  Officer recommendations are Ron President, Jill VP, and Julie Secretary.  A motion MSP (Elizabeth, Karen) to approve nominations and slate of officers.

       Art CommitteeThe inventory is complete but no valuation as yet.  When the griplock system is install, more artwork will be hung.  Committee can get a release form from Hennepin County Library to be used for loaned art items.

       PublicityCindy presented a report of size, cost and funding for Advocate space.  A motion MSP (Elizabeth, Julie) to allocate up to $300 to have a presence in the Advocate in partnership with Friends.  Ron and Karen will work on this committee.

       Fall ProgrammingDawn provided us with a written report of her work in this area and plans for the future.  She is doing a great job and we are willing to assist her in this worthy project. (Entire report available in Secretarys notebook).

Next meeting will be a social occasion at McBrides on December 8th.  Next business meeting will be January 19th at 4 p.m. 

Respectfully submitted,
Sally Smith, Secretary