By Chuck Sterling Editor
The Annandale
Improvement Club plans to install its public art project, a Honey
Locust Bench designed by a Minneapolis artist, in a garden near the city
hall in May.
Annandale City Council members praised the project and voted at
their Monday, Jan. 3, regular meeting to accept it after club
representatives presented a sketch and description. The
bench by Deborah Ramos will be placed on city land west of the city hall
in front of the Snooty Fox gallery. It will be located under a honey
locust tree in the Improvement Club garden there.
"We just feel it would fill the site so well," said Nancy
Hector, Improvement Club art committee member. "It's just a
really unique piece of art."
Ramos will build the bench in her workshop this winter and
install it on or before Tuesday, May 24, so it's in place before the
Memorial Day weekend. The artist will fasten the bench
to a cement slab poured by the public works department, committee member
Jill Bishop said. The bench will feature welded iron
and metal legs and back support representing branches and a leaf of the
honey locust tree. The bench seat will be made of
mosaic tile that's resistant to Minnesota weather. It will represent a
curled honey locust seedpod with a seedling in the center that stands
for life and regeneration. The bench was chosen from
proposals from five artists.
"It looks really neat," council member Bill McNellis said.
"It almost looks too nice to sit on," council member Dwight
"Dewey" Gunnarson added.