June 2015-May 2016
Elected Officers:
Co-Presidents-- Peggy Jo Danielson-Fortner and Cathy Gulyas;
Co-Vice Presidents—Judi Gay, Sandy Otto; Secretary—Ardis Nelson;
Treasurer—Aleta Issacson
Activities Overview:
Our summer plantings included our rings and gardens in town, at the park
and the new city cemetery; fall cornstalks on Main Street were in place for
October, and the rings were filled with greens by the end of October. We had a
booth at the Annandale Business Expo, we took a trip to Willmar and Main Street
New London in June and had a fund raising event, a Picnic in the Park Pavillion
in August.
May ’15, Annandale Youth First $256.56; June, True Friends $215;
Annandale Area Community Team (ACT) $249; August, Emily Program $238; September,
Annandale Senior Dining $247; October, Annandale Elementary $167;
November, True Friends $197; December, Share Your Christmas $497 (matched!),
January, ACT $139; February, Gardening World-wide $74, March, Annandale Food
Shelf $369; April, Pioneer Park $283.
Programs and Speakers:
June—Bus Trip to Willmar and New London Main Street.
Jim King showed us “What to/not to Wear!””. August—Enjoyed a Salad
Luncheon hosted by the AIC Officers at the Park Pavilion. September—Spilled
Grain Brewhouse Tour by Dan Seaberg. October—Henry Balfour spoke about
“One Vaccine, Multiple Cures”. November—Ann Kay sang and played with us
to illustrate the wonder of her Rock’n Read Project.
December--We celebrated a wonderful beginning to the holiday
season at the Westman home on Lake Sylvia.
January—“Fire Safety in the Home” by Dale Machkovsky.
February—Gardening Done on the Square with Connie Lahr. March—
Cathy Petersen shared her story, “High Heels to Hard Hat”. April—Karen
Pundsack, Exec Director, shared about the Great River Regional Library kinds of
technology opportunities found at our city library. May--Our annual
100 active members. 9
honorary members: Ruth Gruys, Donna Kuiper, Bev Lindgren, Doris Miller, Muriel
Rudolph, Mildred Shadduck, Fran Ulfers, Betty Waldhauer, Jane Wizik.
Deceased members: Norma Cairns, Alice Thompson,
Submitted by:
Ardis Nelson