The Annandale Area
Chamber of Commerce
Announces its 112th Year
"Fourth of July Calendar of Events " |
Friday, June 22: Fourth of July Gala 6:30 PM
at Reichels Event Center. $45.00 per couple or $22.50 for Single. Phone 274-5313
or 274-3743, or contact any Chamber Board Member for tickets.
Friday, June 29: Carnival starts
at 6:00 PM. Softball Tournament begins at 6:00 PM at City Park.
Most games will be played in the City Park. NEW THIS YEAR:
"Homerun Contest", Throughout the tournament players will
be able to win $5,000 for hitting the Target placed in Centerfield
(Official rules will be presented to players prior to the
games). Stop down to watch this unique ongoing contest!
Saturday, June 30: Kiddie Parade at 10:00 AM.
Theme is "What Do You Want To Be When You Grow-up" with
registration at 9:30 AM at the Middle School. Following the Parade a Turtle Race
will be held at the Middle School Parking lot. Lots of prizes and rewards will
be given away at these events. The Parade and Turtle Race are cosponsored by the
Heart of the Lakes Women of Today. Carnival opens at Noon. Softball
Tournament continues from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM, at the City Park. Pork Chop
Dinner sponsored by Annandale / Maple Lake Youth Hockey Booster Club,
serving 4:30 PM to 8:00 PM. Tickets available at the door.
Sunday, July 1: Carnival opens at Noon.
Softball tournament continues at 8:00 AM and concludes with the
Championship Game played at approximately 4:00 PM.
Monday, July 2: Carnival opens at
Noon. KRWC Road Show from 7:00 to 10:00 PM near the ball field.
Tuesday, July 3: Carnival opens
at Noon. The Annandale Community Band will perform at 7:00 PM in
the City Park Picnic shelter, by the Lake. NEW THIS YEAR:
"Boat Parade", immediately after the band concert on
Pleasant Lake. The Boat Parade will start at the County Park, on the north side
of Pleasant Lake, and will proceed along Hwy 24 to the Municipal Park. Come for
the band concert and then stay to watch the Boat Parade. Please call Mike at
274-3393 or Jim at 274-5335 for information about the Boat Parade.
Wednesday, July 4: Fourth of July Parade,
with more than 100 units, begins at 10:00 AM. The Parade begins at Bendix
Elementary School and proceeds throughout the streets of Annandale. This years
parade will feature 10 marching bands, so get your seats early.
Carnival opens immediately after the Parade. Bingo in the
City Park Pavilion noon to 8:00 PM, sponsored by the Heart of the Lakes Women of
Today. Queen Coronation will begin at approximately 8:30 PM in the
City Park. Finally, a spectacular Fireworks Display starts at
dark, in the City Park.
(CLICK HERE for a list of current and
former Royalty.)
tickets for the Family Fun Shows 4th of July Carnival are now
available from the following Chamber of Commerce Members: The Marketplace, Kaz
Hardware, Glaziers Coast to Coast, Annandale State Bank, Arensons Snyder
Pharmacy, Mikes Pharmacy, Karens Hallmark, Holiday, Annandale Video and
Tanning and Lanttos Store. A set of 10 tickets are available for $12. Tickets
are good for any ride, on any day for any age. Advance tickets are only on sale
until 6:00 PM Friday, June 29, with a limited number available, so buy
yours now.