The history of the Improvement Club was the feature of
the program on April 6th. Mrs. Harry Carlson was in charge of the program and gave a
brief history of the accomplishments of the organization.
Mrs. A. M. Ridgeway, the only charter member, was honored, and given a
corsage. Other members honored with corsages were Mrs. Cora Kurz, member since 1905;
Mrs. B.H. Thayer, member since 1911 and served as treasurer for 14 years, Mrs. Flora Kurz,
librarian since 1923 and Mrs. E. Homuth, retiring president.
The original constitution was dated August 9, 1898. The first
officers were Mrs. Kelly, president; Mrs. Satterlee, vice-president; Mrs. Laura McDonald,
treasurer; Mrs. Ridgeway, secretary. The first meetings were held in the homes then
established in what is now the G.A.R. room with a Reading Club. From there it was
moved into the present location. It was called the Improvement Society. In
1900 incorporation papers were taken and the name changed to Improvement Club and Library
Their very first function, held in September, 1898, was the formal opening
of the Village Hall with a reception and there have been many similar occasions since when
the club has taken entire charge of such things. In the early years of the Club,
there were many socials, entertainment's, and plays given to increase their treasury.
The opening of the Library and Reading Room in October, 1899, cost the
Club quite a little money, before it began to pay. When the Library opened there
were 317 books in it, by purchase and donation.
Throughout the years many improvements have been accomplished through the
efforts of the Club. The minutes record some of the following: Bath-house
erected, Log-house (a former school) repaired; Pavilion roof repaired; Lattice on base of
pavilion; Walks and steps constructed at the Park; Cleaned up the City Dump; Eyesore spots
in Annandale cleaned up and beautified; Held Peony and Flower Shows; and Baby Clinic.
The Club held a rat exterminating day; assisted with organizing the Red
Cross in Annandale; held many raking parties at the park; beautified the Depot Park with
flowers and shrubs; held lecture courses for the public in connection with the school;
purchased trees, shrubs and hedge for the Library grounds.
Fireplaces and picnic tables for Annandale Park were built by the Club;
industrial fairs were held in the Hall beginning in 1906. The Fairs were scheduled
for three days and created a good deal of interest. The annual reception for the
Annandale Faculty is one more of the activities of the Club.
Congratulations to the Club on their many civic accomplishments. The
Annandale Library is a valuable asset to our community, and the Club can well take pride
in their sponsorship of the Library. |