> Civic Groups > Improvement
Club > History > 1982 Annual Report
Improvement Club
1982 Annual Report
1981-1982 Officers elected and
serving were:
Mary Wehmann, President
Barb Helget, Vice-President
Florence Hasslen, Secretary
Shirley Bruns, Treasurer
A number of
informative and entertaining programs were enjoyed:
Encounters with a Hijacker----Wm Rataczak
Nursing Care in the Home---Ruth Homuth
Book Reviews
Trip to China-----June Johnson
Alcoholism----Doris Spindler
Oven Type---Wright County Extension Department
Womens Defense Against Assault
In May,
the group went to the Freshwater Biological Institute.
The Landmark Center and Omni Theater were visited in October.
raising events and activities consisted
of a tour of homes in June. The sale
of Christmas wreaths, cookbooks and
tote bags are continuing activities.
building of the new entrance ramp was the major project of the year.
It will be completed this spring.
Members of
the group actively supported the Bloodmobile and the Pre-School testing program.
resignation of Marnie Horn and Dorothy Keymer were accepted.
Donna Copeland and Bev Lindgren are new members.
Mary Forney