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Improvement Club 
1931 Annual Report


Annandale Improvement Club - Highlights of the club for the year, April 1930-1931
Gleaned from the Secretarys Records
Annandale Advocate, April, 16, 1931- page 1

Business Items:

The depot flower beds were planted and cared for under the direction of the Improvement Club, with assistance from the railroad and depot agent.

A hedge of eighty Casaganas and 85 buckthorn bushes planted on the north and east sides of the library grounds.

A pre-school child clinic held Saturday, August2, when 57 children were examined.  Underweight due to lack of sleep rather than nourishment was the doctors report.

A sum of $25 was taken from the interest of the sinking fund to pay for library magazine subscriptions.  This was made up for and our treasury increased by a food sale, Mrs. Rochel chairman, netting $31.70. Later the club divided into three groups.  Group number 1 raised $37.85 by sponsoring a movie.  It was decided to charge 10 cents for lunches served at meetings.

At Christmas the tree on our library grounds was brightly illuminated and thirteen families were remembered with generously filled boxes.

Program Items:

A short history of our library and its contents by Mrs. Ridgway.  A Womans Experience while Serving on the jury, by Mrs. Thayer.

The entire county child welfare board visited the club, and gave talks on subjects pertaining to their work.

Mrs. Baldwin, director of libraries for the state, gave a talk at a meeting.  She stated that Wright County ranked first in the state in the number of county libraries for rural benefit.

At Christmas, Dickens Christmas Carol, was reviewed by Mrs. Swanson.  There was old St. Nick, and a gift for each member present.

Book review were given by Mrs. Ives and Mrs. McDonald.  Roll Call plainly showed that major reading interest lies in new fiction, travel, biography, etc.

Biography and biographers presented by Mrs. Ransom and Mrs. Dowler quickened the interest of these phases of reading.

Writing from character groups, up through the ages illustrated.  Present system of launching a bookbut all signs fail when it comes to a best seller.  Miss Dougherty, our standby, concluded the years program.

Thanks for our enlightening program.  We feel that our cultural spark has been given a bit more fuel to keep it burning through another season.  Those responsible are: Mrs. Runquist, Mrs. Swanson and Miss Dougherty assisted by the president, Mrs. Norris.

Hints for hostesses:

There arent any.  Weve run the gauntlet of praising words, delicious, tasty, tempting and all the rest.  Heres to all year hostesses.  Thanks.  Never did a dime do better service or receive more for its value than when put on the saucer.

Weve had a busy pleasant year.  The committees have worked with harmony and produced excellent results.  Weve improved our treasury and our minds.  Our president, who has been the guiding influence, deserves praise.  It is with a sigh of satisfaction and thankfulness deserving praise that we close our books on the past year, April, 1930 to April, 1931. 

MJ McDonald, Secretary
Annandale Advocate, April, 16, 1931- page 1




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