Civic Groups
> ACT - Arts & Culture Meeting Notes: 3-2-2006
March 2, 2006
The ACT Arts and Culture group met March 2, 2006 at The Snooty
Fox Gallery
1. Discussed and set date for Dinner, Dance Silent
Auction Fundraiser to be held at Reichel's Event Center August 5. Laura
has contacted the Riverboat Ramblers and they have secured that date as well.
This is the band that played last year. A work group will be established
to plan this event.
2. The group discussed holding a Visioning Session on
Thursday April 20th. This session would be a community meeting to
plan/vision future Arts and Culture priorities for our area. Charlene
agreed to make posters. Don will work on press release. Laura
contacted City Hall but their space is reserved that night. Laura
offered the Snooty Fox Gallery as a meeting space. Please submit other
ideas. This visioning session would be 7 p.m.-8:30.
3. The brochure was reviewed. Amy Miller and Sherry
Sweetnam continue to create a "cyber brochure" that would be
available to people inquiring into the stage rental. The City of
Annandale has offered to create a tri-fold brochure to be placed in their
racks at City Hall.
4. We discussed Portable Performance Stage Rental.
Currently it is reserved for the summer concerts (6) and Sherburne County
which is holding a Sesquentennial Celebration. Jeff agreed to gather the
Lions and Chamber address for surrounding communities (30 miles) for which to
mail information to. The purpose of rental is to create a
"maintenance fund"
5. We discussed a sound system for the stage. It
was identified that a portable microphone is important for announcing
performers. It is unclear what type of sound system would meet our
needs. Most larger bands have their own sound system. Dawn has
information available for the April meeting. Jeff will talk to Mark
Casey at the city regarding power to the park and current park sound system.
6. A Garden Tour work group was established: Laura,
Sherry, Ardis, Charlene and Barb W. The group met 3/9 and will present
information at the April meeting.
Next meeting is April 6 at 5 p.m. at The Snooty Fox Gallery.
All are invited.
Respectfully Submitted
Laura Hood Beckman