Civic Groups
> ACT - Arts & Culture Meeting Notes: 5-27-2004
May 27, 204
In attendance:
Jeff Lundquist, Mike Zieska, Marilee Benson and Arleen Schacht
Mike and Jeff
have been working with the City of Annandale and Mark Casey to put together a
proposal to the City of Plymouth, with some possible purchase options and that
the city supports our efforts and will take ownership of the stage once we
have purchased it to secure insurance, maintenance and storage.
We have done some
research on Minnesota Foundations and the possibility of receiving a
grant for the stage purchase, at this point our options are few, many large
foundations do not give capital equipment grants and they have set some
very strict guidelines that need to be followed to qualify for a grant.
We are going to solicit funds in a variety of other ways and
establish a good financial base and possibly try to obtain a grant with
matching funds in the future if needed.
We have discussed
a variety of ways to get solicit funds, will be selling sponsorship space on
the exterior of the stage to local businesses, sending out donation appeals to
local foundations and individuals asking for their support, with a special
focus on those very interested in music and the arts and some fundraisers
throughout the year at local events that take place.
Memorial weekend
we sold ice cream cones at the Chili Cook Off, the weather was
not the greatest so ice cream cones were not the hit but we did sell a
few and received some small donations. We have ice cream and cones left
over and will be selling cones at other events coming up, we will be in
need of some volunteers to help out with the fundraisers. Once we have
established those events and dates I will be sure to send out the information
and if you are able to help out that would be great.
We are really in
need of group members come to the meetings and help brainstorm ideas, thoughts
and opinions to make this a success. We know that our lives are all very
busy these days but any time you have a spare hour please try to make it to
one of our meetings.
Our next meeting
is June 10 at 7:00 pm at the Methodist Church, hope to see you there. If
you are unable to make it but have anything you would like to share with us,
possible fundraisers, potential donors etc., please e-mail me.
Thanks for your
time, hope you have a great weekend and look forward to seeing you on June 10.
Arts and Culture