HOME Civic Groups > ACT - Arts & Culture  Meeting Notes: 2-5-2004

February 5, 2004

1.  We discussed the Needs Assessment letter that had been sent out to organizations to gather interest/feedback on the potential use of a portable stage.  The group focused again on the purpose of this step as data-gathering.
2.  We reviewed the mailing list for the Needs Assessment letter and brought forward a few more organizations.  Mike Z.  will send out additional letters to those organizations.
3.  The following questions were developed as follow up to the groups that have received the letter:
     a.  Have you received our letter?  Do you have any questions?
     b.  What is your organizations response to the letter? (If they responded they would use it proceed to b(1).
     b(1).  How often would your group utilize a portable stage?  For what purpose would your group use a portable stage?
     c.  Do you think the community would benefit from this type of equipement?
     d.  Would you like a representative from ACT/Arts and Culture to come to your group and share the video?
 4.  The groups were divided out between those members present for follow-up telephone calls.  A log is to be kept of the feedback in order to tabulate the data.
 5.  The next meeting will be held on Thursday March 4 at 7 PM at the Methodist Church.
Respectfully Submitted,
 Laura Hood Beckman

1.  Update on the October Initiative training.
2.  Discussion about developing and ARTS BOARD.
3.  Art Gallery Update- Lease negotiation.
4.  Community Theater- Jeff Lundquist will chair this group after the Maple Lake production in February.
5.  Portable Multi-Purpose Stage: Reviewed video and printed materials.  Discussed it's diversity. Decided we needed to conduct a community inquiry into whether other groups would find  a use for the stage and would be willing to invest.  A draft letter will be written and reviewed at December meeting.  More information will be gathered on the cost/upkeep/insurance/use of the stage.